Donor Info
It's in (Y)Our Blood!
We promise to use your blood donation to contribute to the global medical industry!
Your blood donations support the creation of new vaccines, tests and medical treatments aimed to improve global health. Earn money while donating!
Donor Requirements
- Be 18 years of age or older
- Weigh at least 110 lbs.
- Be in good health
- Provide a valid picture ID with your Name and Birthdate
To keep you safe and happy
- Drink plenty of fluids before and after donating. (Non-alcoholic, that is.)
- Eat something low in fat before donating.
- Don’t rush out or undergo strenuous activities immediately after donating.
- Ask questions if you have them. If you’re left wondering something, please ask. Our staff is here to help!

Steps for Donating
We’ll verify you are who you say you are with your ID, that, at minimum, your name and picture on it.
A finger stick is performed to make sure your blood iron level is at a healthy level to donate. We’ll ask you some questions during a short medical interview to make sure you are able to donate without any risk.
You will be asked to read and sign a consent form, which represents that you understand how your blood is contributing to science and medical care.
We’ll take approximately one pint of blood and required samples. The entire procedure should take about one hour.
Yep, we will pay you in cash or other means for your donation! You’ll also receive a return card, which generally will have a date of eight weeks later. (Note: IF you return on the assigned date, you may be eligible for an additional bonus!)
If you give blood, you should get something.
We pay when you donate.
Donor FAQ's
EVERYONE! First, We pay YOU for your time making a unit donation, every time. Your contributions are used in research, diagnostics and further manufacturing of test kits used world-wide, helping patients every day.
We provide payment each time you are able to donate a unit. Additionally, each full donation accepted also is tested for a variety of disease states, as required by the FDA.
When you follow the post-donation recommendations, there are minimal risks involved in donating a unit of blood. It is recommended to have a light, low-fat meal before donating. (Fasting is the most common cause of faintness or other physical reactions while donating.)
Occasionally, swelling or discoloration of the needle insertion area occurs; this is normal. The risk of discoloration may be minimized by taking care not to move during the donation, and holding pressure to the puncture site as you hold your arm in an elevated position. If swelling does occur, applying a cold pack or ice to the area may provide relief.
We know your time is precious. No matter the donation you agree to give, our goal it to get you in and out as quickly as we can. Donors are processed on a first come, first serve basis. From the time you come in the door to the time you are ready to leave should be about an hour. NO APPOINTMENT IS NECESSARY!
Source plasma donation takes about 1-2 hours, but may be done as many times as twice a week. (So, more money!)
Our source plasma program is selective, but if you are interested in participating, please reach out to us at

Contact Us!
We want to provide excellent customer service for both our donors and customers. Please contact us here with your inquiry, and we’ll direct you to the right resource!